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At the same time, panda was also listed in the "international wildlife trade in endangered species Convention" Appendix A. International Association of nike free run shoes has always attached great importance to ecological protection and natural resources of sustainable development. Since 1986, the International Association of Nike has become a member of the World Conservation Union, at the same time, the international Nike Association and its members actively support the "international wildlife trade in endangered species Convention", and support for the sustainable use of protection principles.

International Association of cheap nike shoes chief executive said: panda protection is the International Association of Fur Association ecological protection is part of a project, we are very proud to support this project protects panda. Nike industry to support the protection of the world in the context of biological diversity. According to the principle of sustainable utilization of wild fur only, from a large number of species, legitimate fur trade not endangered species trade, at the same time, we hope to have the opportunity to do more to protect endangered species.

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