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chi hair products, forgive my slip of the tongue, after we only confidant, point more than friends, less than lovers the kind of confidantchi reach out and tap the faint Pan chest pain, watching Huangfu of goes Tuochen as fairy jade, Yan, eyes can not help but sour the brow is more Longzhe to layer not deep and shallow desolate Lonely color.

See her look sad, chi products the sip Minchun, suddenly Chen Sheng asked the sentence: "Woman, this king really little chance did not it?" Tone implied full of unwilling and struggling.chi stunned to understand that he asked the meaning of, gently shook his head: this world perhaps anything can be forced, with the exception of not love. In fact, you are a perfect man, parties the noodle the chi pieces are excellent, but is not suitable for me. Love between two people, if only one party is working hard, then the business will only be out of a period of bitter fruit. I love chi, marry you before they fell in love with him, and he loves me, he chi are admitted to each other's heart, and has also issued under eachother, said hold hands in this life, and grow old blue sky Death, life and death go hand in hand. chi, 这么些年来 experienced all kinds of hardships and suffering, going through life, and separated by death, I have been very tired, whether of body or heart. Now I can not accept the feelings of any person, do not want to accept anyone's feelings, I just want to be with chi, he was born I born, he died that I would die. This is the love field, unique, irreplaceable, not to him. '

After listening to her chi straighteners silently down the look of the surface of a rapidly changing Finally, only a touch of earth-shattering sadness.A long time, he was sensual and indifference opening: "The king understood." Paused, he condensate eye deeply looking at chi, sad sad laugh, "The king can finally hold you once?"


